
    Occupational Therapy

    Department of Occupational Therapy (OT)

    Occupational Therapy is an allied health care profession established more than 85 years ago. It addresses problem of differently able persons and uses specific intervention procedures and activities to restore lost function, compensate for disability and promote health and wellness. It steps beyond the ‘prevention and cure’ mantra to the maximize independence of the individual. It focuses on recuperation, giving confidence to people whose disability may be caused by a stroke, a mental illness, a physical and mental weariness because of cardiac or other illnesses or even a hereditary deficiency.
    In occupational therapy, occupations refer to the everyday activities that people do as individuals, in families and with communities
    to occupy time and bring meaning and purpose to life.
    Occupations include things people need to,
    want to and are expected to do.

    It is a profession dedicated to helping people achieve well-being through occupation. The term “occupation” represents the flow of activities that fill a person’s life and that have an effect on his or her health. Occupational therapy is particularly concerned with how people construct meaningful lives individually and in community.

    Occupational Therapists works for Persons suffering from disabling diseases as well as persons with disabilities. Occupational therapy has started treading path in the new areas like Industrial rehabilitation & ergonomic interventions, early Intervention also.

    AnchorThe faculty & staff in the Department of Occupational Therapy of the Institute are primarily involved in therapeutic services, teaching & training and research & development to the persons with physical disabilities. The therapeutic services to the patients are given through outdoor & outreach services.

    The department of Occupational Therapy mainly consists of two major divisions :

    1. College / Training Division
    2.  OPD Division

    1. The College division of Occupational Therapy department serves teaching & training to undergraduate BOT students and consist of following units:

    1. Anatomy Lab
    2. Physiology Lab
    3. Hand Therapy/Work hardening Lab
    4. Assistive Technology Lab


    • Academic Activities:

    The department is known to produce high level therapists and imparting training to them who have the capacity to be employed in country and abroad. The group of dedicated teachers of the Institute is responsible for imparting intensive teaching and training to the students and medical professionals from the collaborating medical colleges and rehabilitation centres.

    The course is being run by the Institute in affiliation with University of Delhi.

    S. No. Name of Course Duration in years
    1. Bachelor of Occupational Therapy 4 ½ years

    The year wise student strength in Bachelor of Occupational Therapy Course is provided herein below:

    Year Ist Year IInd Year IIIrd Year IVth Year Intern Total
    2017-18 55 44 47 54 49 249
    2018-19 60 46 41 47 54 248
    Total 232 207 188 182 189 998


    • The Occupational Therapy Department of the Institute has started placement service for its students. For this purpose the department have requested different organizations to provide placement to their students. Some of the organizations have requested for providing the list of internees and the students who have pass their respective degrees to offer suitable job to them.


    • The Institute is committed to upgrade the faculty and staff of the Institute. In this regard Institute permitted two of its Occupational Therapists to       complete their doctoral degree in Occupational Therapy. Both of them have completed their doctorate. Four of our faculty members have their Post Graduate Degree in Occupational Therapy (MOT) in first class. One more faculty member is pursuing Post Graduation in Occupational Therapy
    • Publication / Research (Department of Occupational Therapy) Completed Research Projects


    • Please refer R&D webpage


    • The department has been involved in establishing an in house training centre for persons with disabilities at Rashtrapati Bhawan Estate in collaboration with Kalyan Kendra. There are 23 children/adult with disabilities which are being provided therapeutic management.


    • The Department is also involved in assisting outreach services in the Institute in different parts of the country. The Occupational Therapists also engaged in Rehabilitation Camps, Mela, Trade Fair and Exhibitions in the country as and where needed.


    • The Therapists of the department extended their full support and cooperation in the organization of National Awards 2013.

    The O.P.D. division of Occupational Therapy Department
    The department serves under two main categories (a) Paediatric Section and (b) Rehabilitation / Adult Section and there are further many subunits under these two main categories. They are:

    1. 1. Functional Restoration Unit (Activities of Daily Living)
    2. 2. Sensory Integration Unit
    3. 3. Neuro-Rehabillitation Unit
    4. 4. Ergotherapy Unit
    5. 5. Psychosocial unit

    A. Occupational Therapy – Adult Section
    It is dealing with both Persons with physical disabilities and Persons with Intellectual disabilities. Occupational therapy uses the day to day activities of work, self care, leisure and play to enhance development of skills and capabilities. It may include adapting the work or environment as per the present abilities of the client, to achieve maximum independence and to enhance the quality of life. It is the job of an Occupational Therapist to figure out which areas are affected and how he can assist that person in performing these activities in a more functional and successful way.

    Occupational Therapists works for Persons suffering from disabling diseases as well as persons with disabilities. Occupational therapy has started treading path in the new areas like Industrial rehabilitation & ergonomic interventions, early Intervention also.

    Adult Section/Ergo-therapy Unit:

    This section consists of apparatus, equipments and tools for occupational therapy treatment of patients above 12 years of age. On an average, 70 to 80 patients/persons suffering from neurological or orthopaedic problems are being attended every day. It includes new cases as well as cases for follow up therapy.

    Equipments in Adult Section

    1. Equipments used for upper extremities


    • Sanding Units

    These sanding units are available in different forms and are used for the treatment of patients with physical impairments like frozen shoulder / peri-arthritis, paralytic / weak upper limb(s), stiff joint(s), or other such diseases/ disabilities /deformities of upper limb.

    • Pegboards

    These activities modalities are available in different shapes, sizes, contour, weights, colour and sets with different parameters  used  for  comprehensive  functional testing  and  therapy of  hand in the department.

    AnchorShoulder and Elbow mobilization                                                      Forearm joint mobilization

    • Shoulder Wheel

    This equipment is used to improve range of motion, muscle power, muscle tone , co- ordination , and other functional aspect of Upper Limb.

    • Multipurpose Wheel

    This apparatus is mainly used to improve / develop functional status of upper extremity and to increase joint range of motion of upper extremity specially shoulder and forearm.

    • Tilt Table

    This equipment is mainly used to develop standing tolerance and prevention of Ortho-kinetic hypotension in neurological cases i.e. stroke and Spinal cord injuries patients.

    • Continuous Passive Motion

    This is an electrically operated equipment used to increase passive range of motion usually in Orthopaedic cases.

    • Other apparatus:

    Some other equipments which are used in the department are Wrist Mobilizer, Shoulder Pulley, Finger ladder, Pronation- Supination Machine, Rowing Machine, Pedo-cycle, Nirmal Finger table etc. which are used to mobilize different joints of upper extremities.

    Anchorii.         Apparatus/ Equipments  used for lower extremities

    • Jogger

    This is used for the purpose of joint mobilization and muscle strengthening of lower extremity.

    • Medicine Balls

    These are specially designed heavy weight balls of various dimensions. These are used to mobilize ankle joints and strengthening of foot muscles.

    • Static Cycle

    Specially designed, this cycle helps to strengthen the muscles and increase ROM especially of lower extremity.

    • Other equipments:

    Other equipments which are used in the department are Trunk rotator, Foot rocker board, Ankle foot exerciser, Rocker boards, Peg boards, Tic-tac -toe. These activities are used to improve, maintain, develop the joint Mobility, Power, Range of motions, coordination, balance and other functional aspects of lower limbs.

    Coordination exercises for upper extremity               Sanding Unit in Adult Section of Occupational Therapy

    B. Paediatric Section
    This section deals with the problems of children with disabilities up to 12 years of age. This Unit uses different types of tools, apparatus, equipments and other useful gadgets for Occupational Therapy treatment. These tools can be divided into 3 categories:

    1. AnchorApparatus /Equipments / Activities used for upper extremity


    • Multipurpose Wheel

    This gadget is mainly used by Occupational Therapist to improve functional status of upper extremity. The children from the age group of two year to seven year are usually provided this activity.

    • Zigjag Board

    This gadget is mainly used to improve and maintain co-ordination prehensions, grip / strength,  range of motion , eye hand co-ordination and such other factors of upper extremity.

    • Pronation Supination Board

    This equipment is used mainly to improve and maintain joint mobility, muscle power, range of motion (ROM), grip, Prehensions and functional status of upper extremity.

    1. Apparatus/ Equipments / used for Lower extremity:


    • Walker, Saddle walker, Walking frame, Standing frame, Ladder

    These gadgets are used for the purpose of training and facilitating of balancing, standing and walking activities in children affected with diseases like Polio, C.P., and Infantile hemiperesis etc.

    • Mechanical Toys i.e. Tricycle,  Sliding Chairs

    These equipments are used to develop and promote performance areas of lower extremity.

    • Other Equipments

    Vestibular board, Rocker board, Peg boards, Mats, Crawler, Wedge board, Swings, Bolsters, Therapy Ball,  Number boards, Fidgets toys, whirlpool Bath, Scooter board, and such other equipments are used for the purpose of Therapy / Treatment in Occupational Therapy.

    Child learing lowerlimb coordination                                  Paediatric section of Occupational Therapy

    AnchorC.     ADL Section/Functional training Unit
    This is an important area of Occupational Therapy intervention. Here the clients are given training for the activities of daily living with the help of different gadgets in simulated forms. This unit uses different types of tools, apparatus, equipments and other useful gadgets are used by this unit for the training of Occupational Therapy.
    Different Equipments / Tools being used by this section are as under:

    • ADLUnits (Functional training Unit)
    • Dressing and Undressing sticks
    • Feeding and Drinking tools
    • Transfer Board
    • Work Station

    These are designed by Occupational Therapists as per requirement of the case / client / patient according to their need / prescription.

    D.  NeuroRehabilitation Section
    This unit deals with patients who have already been rehabilitated and need to develop/ increase their stamina / endurance, control their speed during work, coordination in work, tolerance, performance areas.

    The clients with disabilities having Hemiplegia, Paraplegia, Monoplegia, Cerebral Palsy, Post Polio Residual Paralysis, Neuropathies, Myopathies, Head Injury, etc. are being provided therapeutic intervention.

    Occupational Therapy department provide services to approximate 100 patients including follow up cases every day. The number of patients provided with Occupational Therapy during last three years is given below:

    Year No. of patient on roll Patients visit
    2017-2018 6494 37289
    2018-2019 5652 34811
