ADIP Scheme
The Institute is providing prosthetic, Orthotic & other Rehabilitation aids under the Scheme of Assistance to Disabled Persons for Purchase/Fitting of Aids/Appliances (ADIP Scheme) of the Govt. of India at minimum costs. The requirement for providing the aids/appliances, which are essential for the social, economic and vocational rehabilitation of the disabled persons, has come into sharp focus, particularly after the enactment of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995, which came into force in 1996.
Various surveys conducted from time to time have made it clear that India has a very large number of disabled persons. Many of them come from low-income groups. Disability restricts their opportunities for leading functionally productive lives. From the application of modern technology, a number of aids have been designed & developed, which can reduce the effects of disabilities and enhance the economic potential of the disabled. To illustrate Tricycle, Wheel Chair, Artificial limb, Crutch, Brace, Splint can greatly improve the mobility of person with locomotor disability. Similarly, with the help of a powerful hearing aid, persons with some residual hearing can be helped to carry on many activities of daily living. Low vision aids can help the persons with substantially reduced vision to read, print and undertake other activities resulting in their rehabilitation. However, large number of disabled persons are deprived of the benefits of these appliances because of their inability to find funds to purchase them.
In the light of the Government’s growing concern for disabled persons and in effort of bringing the aids and appliances within their reach, it has been decided to continue the ADIP Scheme and modify it in such a way that it becomes more user-friendly and the needy are not deprived of aids/appliances, which are essential for their social, economic and vocational rehabilitation. If they can, thereby, become earning members they would be much closer to achieve economic self-dependence and also be able to live and pursue their activities with dignity.
Assistive devices are given to PwDs with an aim to improve their independent functioning and to arrest the extent of disability and occurrence of secondary disability
How To Apply
Under the Scheme, grants-in-aid are released to various implementing agencies